Have a new produce item to introduce? New recipe, usage tips or would like to know more about your customer on a limited marketing budget? If you had a way of reaching 10 million people to give them that product message would you utilize it? That ‘IT’ is technology in various forms from social media to smartphone mobile apps and has revolutionized the way we do business.
It has been said that the produce world is the last to embrace change, whether it is analyzing product movement through category reviews or developing and maintaining a Facebook page and Twitter account.
It was in the not-too-distant past that produce business was conducted mainly by telephone and fax, and I’m sure when the first fax was sent in 1971 few would have imagined transactions would end up being conducted in a matter of seconds through either email or smartphone transmissions.
This is the third of a monthly series in which the BerryBroad will be writing for Fresh Fruit Portal as Contributing Produce Correspondent. To read the rest of this article, please click here.