As I have been conducting pre-season planning for summer import citrus, I noted in The Packer the trending growth of this category. Two factors support this: U.S consumer demand and new plantings in the growing regions of the Southern Hemisphere countries.
To summarize what I read, Chile might be making inroads into the U.S market for their summer navels, but it is Peru who is becoming a major player with their minneolas and W. murcott citrus. Both of these fall into the ever growing, “easy peel” category. Minneola tangerines are a major part of the Peru citrus program with volume to triple within five years. Growing conditions have resulted in a good season for minneolas, with good bright orange exterior, size and color. The fruit is due to arrive in the U.S by the third week of July with W. murcotts arriving the first week of August. W. murcott is a late season mandarin and is also a volume that is expected to grow.
Retailers have realized solid profit from the growth of this category. A 2010 market intelligence report on the status of summer citrus in the U.S market supports this trend. The Southern Hemisphere Association of Fruit Exporters (SHAFFE) projects growth at ten percent annum over the next five years. South Africa and Chile will be the two largest importers, with Peru contributing one percent.
In my opinion, consumers will continue to add citrus to their basket of goods during summer months due to availability and perceived health benefits. Easy peel varieties are convenient to eat and will continue to rise in popularity with children and as a snack food. With thirty-two percent of consumers reporting that citrus is consistently part of their diet, as stated in The Packer, this bodes well for retailers to carry and promote the summer citrus category.
I represent Seald Sweet, a major East Coast shipper of citrus, in their efforts to grow the category on the West Coast. This year’s program has promotional funding, supporting consumer driven promotions. Retailers will be paid a specific amount per case, depending on what type of promotion they carry out. Contact me for promotional ideas and funding on Seald Sweet citrus.
Back to you: How do you plan to promote your summer citrus program?